"Go" by Waterdeep
From the album "Sink Or Swim"
Written by Lori Chaffer 1995-1996
Copyright © 1997 Hey Ruth Music
waterdeep.com waterdeep.net awakeningrecords.com
Transcribed by T-rev http://www.t-rev.net
*Capo 5* flat-picking in 6/8 time in A. (key of concert D major)
[verse chords] [bridge chords]
X02200 Aadd9 X24X2X Badd9
X42200 Aadd9/C# X002XX D/A
XX0230 Dadd9 4/6\4\2 D-lick on 3rd string
XX0235 Dno3 123XXX Fo
X24442 B 246XXX F#add9
244222 F#m X466XX C#
022100 E X355XX C
X23X0X Fo/B
|A . |. A/C#|D . |. . |
|A . |. A/C#|D . |Dno3 - |
[verse 1]
|A . |. A/C#|D . |. . |
|A . |. A/C#|D . |A/C# . |
|B . |D . |. . |
|F# . |A . |D A/C#|B . |
|F# . |E D |
[shortened intro]
|A . |. A/C#|D . |Dno3 . |
[verse 2]
|B . |. . |D . |. lick|
|B . |. . |D . |. lick|
|B . |F . |F# . |C# C# C|
|B . |F . |F# . |C# C# C|
|B . |F . |F# . |C# C# C|
|B . |F . |F/B . |f - |
[verse 3] (strumming now)
|A . |. A/C#|D . |. . | (4x)
|A - |- - |
Second guitar, no capo, verse chords:
X00232 (A)
200232 (A/C#)
320033 (D)
022100 (B)
X24432 (F#)
X02220 (E)
Transcribed 9/13/1999 by T-rev
More tab available at http://www.t-rev.net
[verse 1]
Go tell it to the mountaintops that I'm alive
Go listen to the children cry and let them know that
Dark and night are not their masters
Between you you'll know all the things that I never said out loud
Don't walk away from the crowd
[verse 2]
Go tell them that it's cold outside and I can't thrive there
And I'm getting tired of hiding My face from your disgrace
Although you think that you've disguised it
When you get too tired of waiting to picture My face in the clouds
Oh look around
I know it won't be sown the way you want it to be
I will make it grow with or without you
I'll wait you'll pray you may fall down a time or two
But I love you
[verse 3]
Go tell it in the valleys low that I'm alive
Go listen to the men who sigh and let them know that
Dark and night are not their masters
When you get too tired of waiting to picture My face in the clouds
Oh look around
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