Written by Derek Webb derekwebb.com
From his 2013 album I Was Wrong, I'm Sorry & I Love You
Transcribed by T-rev www.t-rev.net
Capo 3rd fret
12-string or Nashville-tuned to emulate album version
|C Em F % |Am % F % |Em % G % |G7 % |
C Em F % Am %
your tears they are precious i collect them in bottles my love
F % Em % G % G7 %
their current directs me to things from the surface unseen
C Em F % Am %
there is never one wasted they all fall at just the right time
F % Em % G % G7 %
upon the dry soil that's thirsty for love's nourishment
C % Dadd4 % % %
i used to think it was sad
G F C/E % G7 %
now i find it beautiful
CHORUS 1: C* % Dm11 %
'cause your heart breaks
F2 % Em* %
your heart breaks
Dm11 % G7/B % Am % % G7
in all---- the right pla---ces
C Em F % Am %
you're a lovely magician, and i've fallen under your spell
F % Em % G G7
you discern every moment as one who knows how this will end
C Em F % Am %
it's as if you see through me, as if i'm unknown to myself
F % Em % G G7
your eye finds the aquifer, the static reserve of my tears
C % Dadd4 % % %
so i need a well to my heart
G F C/E % G7 %
and i trust you to break the ground
CHORUS 2: C % Dm7 %
'cause your heart breaks
G4 E/G# Am G4
your heart---- breaks
F % G7 % C % % (G7 except at end)
in all--- the right pla--ces
C Em F % Am %
like a light on the water, like sounds bouncing off every wall
F % Em % G % G7 %
you give me my heading and guide me through dangers unknown
C Em F % Am %
you weep with the weeping and dance when the music incites
F % Em % G % G7 %
you do it for me and i wish now to do it for you
C % Dadd4 % % %
like salt in the drops from your eyes
G F C/E % G7 %
it's restores and it preserves
CHORUS 1 (2×)
Transcribed 2021-07-27 by T-rev
More tab available at www.t-rev.net
% = repeat same chord
x32010 C
022000 Em
133211 F
x02210 Am
320003 G
323003 G7 or 323033
x5403x Dadd4
0x2010 C/E
x3505x C*
x5706x Dm11
x8T0Tx Fadd2 (T=10th fret)
x7908x Em*
x2303x G7/B
xx021x D(m)7
3x001x Gsus4
422400 E/G#
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